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Data Conversion

There are many forms of data conversion. Simply moving data from a payroll system into an accounting system is data conversion. Of course that process is usually automated (if the two systems 'speek' to each other). Then there are the one time conversions from the 'old system' to the 'new system.

Here's a 'not so obvious' data conversion example. You are required to provide data to a government agency, using their spreadsheet. This is usually considered a manual operation, which increases the cost of the process. Sometimes this can be automated by extracting the data out of a database and 'importing' the data into the spreadsheet. This causes the accuracy of the data to go up, and the cost to provide the data to go down. That's a win/win solution.

If you have data in one place that needs to be in another place, we're here to help you move that data!